This digital activity is perfect for teletherapy! Kids can practice using the irregular past tense while having fun matching the two-piece puzzles. Part 2 targets irregular past tense verbs that are expected to be acquired between the ages of 6;6 and 8;11. For verbs expected at ages younger than 6;6, please check out Part 1!
This product features:
- An interactive, self-correcting PDF: navigate through with a click on the puzzle
- There are 18 puzzles, which target verbs expected to be acquired between 6;6 and 8;11 years of age
- The activity is broken up into two levels: Level 3 (ages 6;6–7;11) and Level 4 (ages 8;0–8;11)
- Tips for targeting the irregular past tense
- Explanation of the types of irregular past tense
- Information on evidence-based practice and research on age-related expectations
- Additional opportunities to target the following concepts indirectly: action words, pronouns, object function, nouns, and sequence